Sep 20, 2009

First Entry : ABOUT

Welcome to YourGreenScene.  If your interested in living off the land or maybe taking yourself off the grid or even reducing your carbon footprint on the planet you have taken a step in the right direction by visiting this blog.  You can expect to read up on plants, animals and processes that just take a small amount of knowledge to use and possibly enjoy.  Also, for the outdoor minded, you can expect recommendations of places to go and thing to see.

For this first post you can expect a little of everything to give a taste of things to come. With that said... Let's get the ball rolling.

Edible Plant: Dandelion

A common weed in the U.S.. Overlooked by many but this "weed" has a bite and is a tasty addition to salads or boiled as a leafy green.  Also, if you like, the yellow tops can be used to make dandelion wine. Varieties can be found worldwide and have exceptional nutritional content.